Problem Solvers


Storehouse has a reputation as problem solvers. Originally from structured finance our team has been on the cutting edge of financial engineering since the early 1980's.
Our team is experienced in all property asset classes. Office, retail, industrial, hotels and residential. We have completed major projects in each property classification.
Storehouse has expertise in the issues to be addressed for projects in development and under construction. We have worked on several billion dollars of construction projects.
Storehouse Group was established in 1998 as an investment manager and Superannuation advisor.
Storehouse has advised or arranged in excess of $20 billion in investments and financial instruments and currently managed $300 million in wholesale and retail funds. The Storehouse Business Overview is available on request.
Key Facts about Storehouse
Established and managed ten registered property investment trusts for retail and wholesale investors.
Established Home Affordability Solutions to provide home loans and house affordability solutions to the Australian market.
Manages a portfolio of $300 million of wholesale equity and financial securities for major corporations and Government.
Advisor and committee member of repositioning and disposal of Federal Government property holdings for departments including Defence.
Strategic advisor and arranger of major property investments in regional shopping centres and office complexes for major property institutions. Details available on request.
Storehouse Residential Trust (SRT)
A registered property trust (ARSN 135 812 074) which invests in residential properties and residential property securities.
Open to wholesale and retail investors with a minimum initial investment of $5000.
The manager is seeking to achieve capital growth on the residential portfolio through investment in major capital cities. The target balance is a majority of capital growth equity investments with returns benchmarked against tenanted rental properties.
A PDS is available on request.