Storehouse Residential Trust
Continuous Disclosure Notices, Performance and Other Information
Investment in Storehouse Residential Trust should be viewed as a 8 to 10 year investment.
Investment performance of the trust is intended in the longer term to reflect the National Australia residential housing market.
Storehouse Residential Trust, ARSN 135 812 074 is a disclosing entity of K2 Asset Management.
For more information please
National Portfolio Risk Management
The trust is currently invested in shared equity and full ownership of residential properties which are located in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and Northern Territory. The housing market performance is not uniform across cities and states in Australia. Investment in properties across Australia is designed to reduce the risk to the trust. As at June 2023 the distribution of properties by State was
The Trust investments in shared equity have proved to be highly secure. The Trust has had no defaults on its shared equity investments since inception.
Performance Measures
Trust performance is measured through the movement in Net Asset Value (1) of the trust and distributions to unitholders. The trust performance is listed with IRESS Australia for financial planners under APIR product code STH0004AU.
1 Net Asset Value is defined in the PDS as "At any time, the Gross Value of the Trust less the liabilities at the time"
In practice unit holders have been realising their investment in the trust with the assistance of the fund manager matching and incoming and outgoing unitholders to enable unitholders to transfer their units. The table below sets out the last transfer prices that have been achieved effective at the end of each financial year.
Last 12 Months Unit Prices as determined by Net Asset Value
Net Asset Value is defined in the PDS as "At any time, the Gross Value of the Trust less the liabilities at the time"
Net Asset Value is defined in the PDS as "At any time, the Gross Value of the Trust less the liabilities at the time"
The following performance results for the financial years 2019 to 2021 have been published
The Trust is experiencing significant growth in funds under management, growing from $8.1 million at 30 June 2020 to $20.6 million at 30 June 2022..
The trust is actively supported by the fund manager. This support has included providing guarantees to assist in direct property acquisitions; and negotiating additional fee income to the Trust from investments in shared equity arrangements.
The Trust is independently audited by KPMG.
Annual Report for the financial year ended 31 December 2021.
Investor Update December 2021
Investor Update June2022
Annual Report for the financial year ended 30 June 2022.