This website is produced by Storehouse Pty Limited (SHPL) the Funds Manager of the Storehouse Residential Trust (ARSN 135 182 074) (SRT Trust).
The SRT Trust is issued by K2 Asset Management Limited (K2) ABN 95 085 445 094, AFS Licence No 244393, a wholly owned subsidiary of K2 Asset Management Holdings Limited.
The information contained on this website is produced in good faith and does not constitute any representation or offer by SHPL or K2. It is subject to change without notice and is intended as general information only and is not complete or definitive.
K2 and SHPL does not accept any responsibility and disclaims any liability whatsoever for loss caused to any party by reliance on the information in this website. Please note that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Any advice and information contained in this website is general only and has been prepared without taking into account any particular circumstances and needs of any party. Before acting on any advice or information in this website you should assess and seek advice on whether it is appropriate for your needs, financial situation and investment objectives. Investment decisions should not be made upon the basis of its past performance or distribution rate, or any rating given by a ratings agency, since each of these can vary. In addition, ratings need to be understood in the context of the full report issued by the ratings agency themselves.
A product disclosure statement for the SRT Trust can be requested on this website or obtained at www.k2am.com or by contacting K2. You should consider the product disclosure statement before making a decision to acquire an interest in the SRT Trust.